李淑蓉 女,1965年7月生,教授,病理学博士,博士后,第三军医大学硕士研究生导师。发育与再生四川省重点实验室学术带头人,四川省高校首批科研创新团队学术骨干。主要从事神经损伤再生和退行性疾病的研究。1997年在第三军医大学攻读病理学博士学位,之后,在第三军医大学和军事医学科学院从事博士后研究工作。2006年到学院。2011年学院获得硕士学位授予权单位及病理学与病理生理学硕士学位授权点最主要学术贡献者之一,病理学与病理生理学学科带头人。近3年获得国家自然科学基金资助2项,近年还主持973子课题等国家和省部级课题共6项。近年在 Journal of Neuroinflammation,Journal of Neurochemistry,Autonomic Neuroscience,Brain Research,Neuroscience Letters等杂志发表论文40余篇,其中SCI收录论文13篇。讲授博士生、硕士生、本科生等各层次的病理学、分子病理学、神经生物学、神经解剖学、基因组学、模式生物学等课程。参编专著3部。指导和协助指导硕士研究生8名,博士研究生6名。
1. Sen Lin, Yajie Liang, Jiqiang Zhang, Chen Bian, Hongli Zhou, Qiang Guo, Ying Xiong,
Shurong Liand Bingyin Su Microglial TIR-domain-containing adapter-inducing interferon-β (TRIF) deficiency promotes retinal ganglion cell survival and axon regeneration via NF-κB. Journal of Neuroinflammation, 2012, 9:39 doi:10.1186/1742-2094-9-39.
Deng Qiyue,
Cai Wenqin,
Li Shurong,
Su Bingyin. Identification of a NEP1-35 recognizing peptide that neutralizes CNS myelin inhibition using phage display library.
Neurosci Lett.2013; 536:80-84
3. Qiang Guo,
Shurong Li,Yajie Liang , Yanling Zhang, Jiqiang Zhang, Can Wen , Sen Lin, Hanzhi Wang, and Bingyin Su Effects of C3 deficiency on inflammation and regeneration following spinal cord injury in mice. Neuroscience Letters, 2010, 485: 32-36
4. Qiang Guo,
Shu-rong Li,Bing-yin Su. Expression of oligodendrocyte myelin glycoprotein and its receptor NgR after the injury of rat central nervous system. Neuroscience Letters, 2007; 422: 103-108
5. Yajie Liang,
Shurong Li,Can Wen, Yanling Zhang, Qiang Guo, Hanzhi Wang, Bingyin Su. Intrastriatal injection of colchicine induces striatonigral degeneration in mice. Journal of Neurochemistry, 2008, 106: 1815-1827
6. Yanling Zhang,
Shurong Li, Yajie Liang, Can Wen, Qiang Guo, Bingyin Su Potential mechanisms of neuroprotection induced by low dose total-body γ-irradiation in C57 mice administered with 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP). Neuroscience Letters, 2009, 450: 106-110
7. Can Wen,
Shurong Li, Hanzhi Wang, Jiqiang Zhang, Yajie Liang, Qiang Guo, Yanling Zhang, Chuanguo Xiao and Bingyin Su Hybrid synapse formation between spinal motoneurons and superior cervical ganglion neurons in vitro. Autonomic Neuroscience: Basic and Clinical, 2008, 144: 83-88
8. Yajie Liang,
Shurong Li, Qiang Guo, Yanling Zhang, Can Wen, Qiang Zou, Bingyin Su. Complement 3 deficient mice are not protected against MPTP-induced dopaminergic neurotoxicity. Brain Research, 2007;1178: 132-140.
1.国家自然科学基金:小胶质细胞TLR3/4-TRIF信号转导对DA神经元存活的作用及机制(NO: 81241019) 2012年
2. 国家自然科学基金:轴突变性诱发多巴胺神经元死亡中GDNF信号通路成员的作用与机制(NO: 81041106) 2010年
3. 四川省教育厅重大培育项目:人工躯体运动神经-内脏神经反射弧的结构及调控内脏功能的基础研究 (NO.07ZZ004) 2008年